Taba Village is located in North Eastern Rwanda in the hills of Muhura, former Byumba commune. The area is blessed with fertile laterite soils, tropical rainfall and temperatures that are conducive for the production of high-quality coffees. Coffee Village is driven by a philosophy based on three key areas: Quality, environment & community.
QUALITY: Selective harvesting, traceability and process control. Coffee Village grows only the traditional bourbon variety.
Traceability: During harvesting and processing, the coffee from each plot is isolated to ensure maximum traceability. The result is reflected in the cup as each micro-lot reflects the unique characteristics of its plot (soil, shade, sunlight, etc.).
Harvesting: selective and manual, only cherries that have reached perfect maturity are picked.
Sorting: under-ripe cherries, those damaged by insects and foreign bodies (branches, leaves, stones, etc.) are removed.
Process: fully washed. The pulped cherries are fermented for 12 hours. They are fully washed, placed in the shade for pre-drying and then sun-dried on African beds for 21 days.
Drying: They are stirred regularly to circulate the air and ensure even drying.
ENVIRONMENT: Organic practices, reforestation and beekeeping
Coffee Village has implemented organic farming practices from cultivation to processing of the coffees. They use organic fertilisers and have banned all chemicals. They have started a reforestation plan, with new trees planted to limit erosion on the slopes.
– Planting of 20,000 agroforestry and fruit trees.
– Reforestation of 5,000 trees on the edges of the plantations as wind barriers.
Also, they are helping producers to introduce beehives to strengthen the ecosystem and ensure diversified sources of income.
COMMUNITY: Health, education & crafts
Tom Bagaza and his wife believe that the heart of the farmer is in the product and that only happy farmers can produce quality coffee. Their commitment to the farmers is global.
Projects in the Taba community
– Housing: support for the construction of 6 houses for the most disadvantaged people in the region
– Medical insurance: in 2022, health insurance was offered to 20 people
– Animals: in December 2022, 30 goats were offered to 30 women in order to diversify their income (sale of milk and/or meat) and provide natural fertiliser
– Sports education: construction of a football field in the village
– Handicrafts: creation of an activity centre